Emily Johnson as Panelist for the Governor's Conference on Economic Development

IPP's Associate Director of Operations, Emily Johnson, appeared as a panelist at the Governor's Conference on Economic Development to speak about occupational licensing reform in Missouri. IPP has contributed new research to update 2016 data on occupational licensing and women in Missouri. Additionally, the new report, Occupational Licensing and Women in Missouri Report Update, examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Missouri's women. Both reports were commissioned by United WE, formerly the Women's Foundation.

In a repost from info@United-we.org

"Nearly 80 individuals attended our "Professional Licensing Reform: An Opportunity for Impact" panel at the Missouri Governor's Conference on Economic Development. The panel featured State Senator Lincoln Hough, Sheila Solon, Director of Missouri’s Division of Professional Registration, Emily Johnson, MU researcher, and Miles Sandler from the Kauffman Foundation. Participants were specifically interested in ways occupational licensing reform can support women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs of color.

"Occupational licensing tends to be one of the few areas where there is bipartisan support."
- Senator Hough

IPP recently released new research on occupational licensing in Missouri. View the full report here."